About our clients &

Measured Actionable Results

Hear what clients such as Salesforce, the Australian Government (AusTrade), 3M, Samsung, Nestle and more say about our programs.

Market leaders that have entrusted Tirian to:

develop leaders, facilitate & build teams, manage innovation, spark creative thinking and integrate their brand.


Measured Actionable Results

“Your CREATE suite (with design thinking) paid for itself! One idea alone generated USD $750,000, and our Revenue Generation Index is over 150% above our competitors” ….  Read more to see how a hotel during covid benefited from our intervention

“Since the course (6 months ago) we have been able to successfully implement it throughout all departments, and have watched a 100% improvement on our ranking. Video

“Within the 12 months I am happy to say that the team has moved from third to first ranking in their market. Revenues are up and we have a harmonious atmosphere.”  Video case study 

“Two years after the launch, the factory distributor for China’s reborn SUV focused-brand grew its sales by a ridiculous 177%, and has also been identified as a great place to work, receiving scores of 4/5 on both Indeed and Glass Door platforms”. Video

1 year intervention based on: diagnostic phase assessments, coaching, workshops, business facilitation and follow up evaluation.

Cyril Dumon (CEO of Bollore Asia) shares why his company has engaged Tirian multiple times over 20 years. Cyril experienced his first Tirian program in 2004 (when he was a Sales Manager), and ever since Bollore have engaged Tirian for a range of programs. Interventions have included: Comex (C- level team and strategic planning), Business Facilitation, High Potentials & Talent teams, HR Leadership team and the rolling out of a Creative Thinking (CSI) program over 1 year to 300+ participants throughout Asia and including China and Australia.