The Collaboration Concept (with the Collaboration Deception simulation) is a social experiment: Building collaboration in a competitive corporate context.
Programs in this Suite
THE COLLABORATION CONCEPT Balance collaboration and competition
How to build collaboration in a competitive corporate context.SUITE: Collaborate - METHODS: Gamified simulation & Team building | Workshop | Facilitation | Keynote | Online | PLATFORMS: Face-to-Face | Blended | KEYWORDS: Collaboration, Competitiveness, Rewards, Trust, Silos, Alignment
1. Identifying collaboration and the ways the concept of collaboration can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and misused. Conflicts of interest: Does trust really make the world go around?
2. Does that which suits the individual agenda also suit the team agenda? (The $10K button experiment / The “Ultimatum Game” & other social experiments).
- How many people do we trust in a day? And why its important?
- Successful innovative companies collaborate.
- Interactive ‘game theory’ explanation.
- The $10000 collaboration bell dilemma.
- Who pays for a lighthouse?
Building teams and culture based on workable trust.SUITE: Collaborate – METHODS| Online : Workshop | Facilitation | Licence | Self-led | PLATFORMS: Face-to-Face | Virtual | Blended | KEY WORDS: Collaboration, Trust, Silos, Alignment
1. Game theory “WIN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN”. Face-to-face Simulation OR “THE NEGOTIATOR’S DILEMMA” Strategy Simulation: (online Harvard).
2. The tragedy of commons in the workplace & dealing with defectors
3. To the core of collaboration (debrief).
4. Finding win-wins, Reality TV is not team building. Under what conditions will people really collaborate? (behavioral economics).
‘The negotiation Game’ (digital –)
Game theory social experiment simulation
IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS - What does collaboration really mean?
Using cooperation theory to develop collaborative engagement strategies.SUITE: Collaborate | Innovate - METHODS: Workshop | Facilitation | Licence | PLATFORMS: Face-to-Face | Virtual | KEY WORDS: Collaboration, Trust, Silos, Alignment, Strategy
1. How to create a culture of Collaborative Innovation. The 7 strategies to become more collaborative.
2. Designing a culture to ensure that the common interest can exceed individual differences & costs to benefits at work favour collaboration?
- Collaboration
- Leadership pitfalls – Non collaborative solutions
How to win at an impossible game – options often include:
- Defect and make the others lose
- Playing ‘Tit for Tat’
- How free riders can damage a team dynamic
A themed team building with a twist. Journey into outer space, to understand the S.K.Y. model and collaboration among mutually dependent players.SUITE: Collaborate - METHODS: Gamified simulation & Team building | PLATFORMS: Face-to-Face | KEY WORDS: Zero-sum approaches V win/win, Individual, Team, Organization
Game Theory
Behavior economics
If you can’t answer these 5 questions – you need this program
1. What happens when the right decision for the individual is the wrong one for the group?
2. How can a cooperative strategy get a foothold in an environment that is uncooperative?
3. What type of strategy can thrive in an environment where individuals freeride or defect?
4. Under what conditions can a collaborative strategy, resist invasion by a less cooperative society?
5. Would you push the red button first?
ABOUT: The Collaboration Concept
- How to really build a collaborative team in a corporate environment. An interactive in-depth online experience that looks at how to build a collaborative culture in a competitive environment.
- The Collaboration Deception is a powerful game-theory style interactive session, where the participants become involved in a social experiment and discover firsthand what happens when trust is removed from the equation.
- Leaders and teams can benefit from this program by learning how to build long-lasting trust with fellow team members, vendors, partners, & associates.
- Leaders and teams will understand what to look for in healthy teams & business relationships, and how to collaborate to avoid those that are in it for themselves (defectors).
- Going beyond simple academic, inspirational, and theoretical collaboration, research shows that there are good reasons to collaborate – and good reasons not to, so the key question that needs to be asked is, under what conditions will people collaborate?
- The advanced session focuses on 4 important feeding questions based on ‘Cooperation Theory’ exploring the paradoxes between Individualism & Group Engagement and Collaboration & Competition resulting in Collaborative Engagement.
Reality TV is not about collaboration or team building. “The Bachelor” isn’t about authentic relationships, “Survivor” isn’t team endurance on a deserted beach, and ”The Amazing Race” leaves little time to appreciate other cultures. These ruthless types of shows are this generation’s ‘Stanford Prison Experiment’. The fake reality of ‘Team Building’ disguised in the concept of a ‘competitive race’ and often trumpeted through the genre of contemporary Reality TV needs to be challenged. Corporate teams also need unpack ‘team building’ and look at the alternatives and see real concepts of collaboration. Only then can collaboration become a constructive, meaningful, and actionable outcome that enables. (Full article)

Feature Articles, Case Studies + More

Why is real collaboration so challenging? The Collaboration Deception

Is AI MAD? (Mutually Assured Destruction): The AI race, collaboration and game theory.

Outwit, Outplay, Outlast:
How Collaborative Innovation Can Change The Game (AMA Playbook)

Toiletgate: A modern-day tragedy of commons
“This session helped us see the real value of cooperation in a competitive environment. It really opened our eyes to how collective success works and why it’s so important. The approach was both innovative and lots of fun. Combined with expertise in facilitation, this will leave a lasting impact.”
Alexander Simon / Senior Agile Coach / AVIATAR – Lufthansa