Endorsements – Professional Services

We have supported the following companies with their clients, and also delivered sessions for these market leaders in their respective industry, including:

Accenture,  Austrade,   APEC,   Deloitte (Digital),   EY,   Gartner,   IBM,   McKinsey,   PwC,   SEAC

“You engaged our teams to really think through the value of creativity in business and about how to create a space that allows you to access that perspective. His passionate delivery was not only engaging to listen to, it made us really stop and think about how we were going about addressing our client’s challenges.”

Erik Skramstad – Partner | Director | US Advisory Forensic Services | PwC

This helped my team to step back and reflect and explore, allowing us to come up with the best solutions

Yvonne Chan | Senior Trade Commissioner, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trading, AUSTRADE