Collaborator Canvas

Structured templates for leaders to address business challenges & set strategic direction with their teams.

Collaborator Canvases & Gamified Simulations


Diagnose issues faster and collaborate better using Tirian’s unique Collaborator Canvases. Our Collaborator Canvases are self-led large-scale online mapping templates that can be completed in real-time to identify and solve critical business challenges. Designed for leaders and their teams to discover, diagnose and dialogue about potential challenges – and guiding them towards strategic solutions with clear goals and action plans in a collaborative context. Each Canvas supports targeted team development through providing a structured yet also highly flexible framework for practical action.


  1. Creates safe spaces for dialogue: These unique resources create safe spaces for teams to discuss issues and plan effective solution strategies.
  2. Develops team innovation & growth capabilities:  Focus on Creative & Design Thinking, Innovation Leadership, Communication & Team Dynamics.
  3. Leverages multiple interactive elements for engaged learning: Includes diagnostics, goal setting exercises, strategic planning tools, and gamified simulations.


  1. Provides an online leaders training course: The leaders’ course provides all necessary instructions & logistics plus some basic content, models and metaphors explained, all to set the leader up to run a Collaborator Canvas with their team.
  2. Includes clear instructions: The team canvases are self contained with step-by-step walk-through instructions & videos, action planning guides & links to more resources.
  3. Supports leaders and teams: independent leaders, coaches, business strategists, inhouse training, and teams  – plus our licensed partnerships & accredited coaches. Licensing partners can use these canvases within the context of their workshops &/or to complement extra coaching & strategic planning sessions.
  4. Fully tested: Designed and tested by Andrew Grant and Dr Gaia Grant (PhD), who have spent the last 25 years producing corporate educational tools through their work with their consulting company Tirian and the University of Sydney Business School.
  5. Cost & time effective for focused teams: $300 per board (includes the online leaders course) / 1-3 hours  / 2-10 people

















1. CREATIVE THINKING BLOCKS: Diagnose & to identify creative blocks to get creativity back! >> Who Killed Creativity? – Gamified Simulation Canvas.

2. CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES: Use design thinking to solve wicked problems faster >>> Creative & Critical Thinking Rescue Strategies (Design Thinking) – Team Collaborator Canvas

3. STRATEGIC FUTURE PLANNING: Navigating to the future faster by executing a winning strategy >>> The Innovation Racing LineStrategic Planning Canvas

4. INNOVATION LEADERSHIP: Become an Ambidextrous Future Ready leader. Identifying innovation strengths & gaps >>> Ambidextrous Innovation LeadershipTeam Coaching Canvas

5. STRATEGIC FUTURE MAPPING: Map your organisation’s innovation culture & strategy (best practices) >>> The Innovation Race Cultural Mapping– Canvas & Simulation

6. INNOVATION IMPLEMENTATION: Translate innovative ideas into action >> The Innovation Action Board –  Collaborator Canvas

7. VIRTUAL TEAM CHALLENGES: Lead and learn about the realities of virtual teams >>> The ‘Winter Over’ MysteryGamified Simulation

8. COMPLEX TEAM COMMUNICATION: Manage complex team & aligning communication challenges– Beneath the ICE  Strategic Planning Canvas


  1. The Leader purchases the online course, and learns how to run the Collaborator Canvas. (approx time 45-120 mins)
  2. The Team is provided with a unique URL to their own Collaborator Canvas (Platforms include: Miroboard / Padlet) – completing the Canvas takes 1-3 hours.
  3. Support is provided as needed. There is the option for the leader to be fully prepared by purchasing additional coaching sessions* and be guided through any part of the process. After the session*, there is the option to upload the completed canvas to receive analysis feedback &/or coaching as required. (*additional fees apply)
  4. Format: Designed as a 1- 3 hour session for small teams  (2-10). Can be used online for virtual sessions, in-person, or hybrid (some Canvases can be printed)
    Sample video ‘CSI-1: Who Killed Creativity?’ gamified simulation.

  1. CREATE: Creative Thinking Diagnostics: Who Killed Creativity? – Gamified Simulation

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CREATE: Who Killed Creativity? And how to get it back? Collaborator Canvas Gamified Simulation

A gamified diagnostic canvas to explore the personal (psychological) and environmental (cultural) blocks to becoming creative & innovative thinkers.

Great for improving creative thinking in individuals, teams and/or for building a more creative organizational culture. The simulation is deliberately themed as a (non-competitive) crime scene investigation, to allow for safe discussions of challenges through fictional characters. Based on the full CSI1 workshop & book “Who Killed Creativity? and how to get it back”. This is a great way for any leader and their team (7) to discuss, diagnose and explore blocks to creativity, and then identify the best rescue strategies. Recommended to do before embarking on any design thinking session.

Available for: Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners.

2. CREATE: Creative, Critical & Design Thinking Rescue Strategies & Tools – Team Collaborator Canvas

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CREATE: Design Thinking (Creative & Critical Thinking) Collaborator Team Canvas

Come up with better ideas faster. Step by-step process to solve ‘wicked problems’, using Tirian’s “Strategies For Innovative Development” model and a host of generic design thinking tools. An interactive collaborative canvas that introduces a foundational creative and critical thinking model and related tools to help a team solve ‘wicked problems’. Incorporates the Strategies for Innovative Development (SID) one-page solutions template, a side ‘working-out ‘area, and a number of popular Design Thinking tools.

Available for: Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners. (Prior knowledge of design thinking models would be helpful). Can also be printed.

3. INNOVATE: The Innovation Racing Line: Strategic Planning Canvas

INNOVATE: The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas

Navigating to the future faster by executing a winning strategy. The Innovation Racing Line Strategic Planning Canvas uses the uniquely developed Dynamic Polar Positioning tool (DPoP) to ensure leaders and teams can build the best strategy through planning the most effective route. Teams learn how to map out a sustainable path, breaking the strategy down into distinct sections (including anticipating the challenging curves), and identifying the best ‘racing line’ and crew to navigate the chosen path successfully.

Available for: Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners.  (Basic model & info is contained on the canvas, and in the online leader’s course. Prior knowledge of the Dynamic Polar Positioning (DPoP) model & the teams iCLi profiling would be valuable.)  Can also be printed.

4. INNOVATE: Ambidextrous Leadership Collaborative Coaching Canvas

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INNOVATE: Innovation Ambidextrous Leadership – Collaborator Coaching Canvas

Identifying innovation strengths & gaps, and explore ‘Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leadership’. Great for coaches wanting to gather a small team together to share Innovation Climate Leadership Inventory (iCLi) profile results. This will help balance a team when innovating, & ensure that any team tension is used to move towards sustainable innovation. Makes use of profiling, diagnostic tools, mapping, action planning and goal setting.

Available for: Coaches & Licenced Partners. (requires prior knowledge of the iCLi & DPoP models). Can also be printed.

5. INNOVATE: The Innovation Race “Best Practices” Cultural Mapping – Collaborators Canvas & Simulation

STRATEGIC FUTURE MAPPING: Map your organisation’s innovation culture & strategy (best practices). How to build an innovation culture. A memorable, engaging global challenge & theme, where participants are required to visit different regions around the world to explore and map case studies of innovative cultures, countries & companies (best & worst practices). Plot your organization’s current and desired state onto the map. Finish up with an action plan, & leadership behaviours, to give your organization a sustainable future map.

This board is an immersive simulation designed to help teams explore the organization’s strategic positioning. Using the Dynamic Polar Positioning (DPoP) model, this simulation identifies current and desired states to look at the big picture and map the organization capabilities and gaps. The end output is to establish a strategic sustainable innovative map with implementable action plans. The simulation has a memorable, engaging global challenge & theme, where participants are required to visit different regions around the world to explore and map case studies of innovative cultures, countries & companies (best practices).

Available for: Coaches & Licenced Partners. (requires prior knowledge of the iCLi & DPoP models)

6. INNOVATE: Innovation Action Board

INNOVATE: Innovation Action Board Collaborator Canvas

Translating innovative ideas into action. Balance any team tension ensuring “agility, alignment & ambidexterity” for a secure sustainable future. The Innovation Action board is designed to capture all the learnings, data and action plans used by a team at the end of a workshop session.

Available for Licenced Partners. (requires prior knowledge of the iCLi & DPoP models)

7. COMMUNICATE: On Thin ICE -The Reality of  Virtual Teams

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Diagnose collaboration blocks faster / Align communication better. This team performance simulation & canvas are both deliberately themed with memorable research from Antarctica, and the insights gained are applied to real work contexts. The debriefing strategies focus on how to tighten team communication and collaboration processes for more effective collaborative problem-solving.

  1. THE WINTER OVER MYSTERY GAME: A gamified exercise to test a team’s ability to communicate virtually, and in the process- learn to share & sort critical information in order to effectively problem solve. Available for: (ICE-2) Coaches, Independent Leaders & Licenced Partners.
  2. BENEATH THE ICE: A deep dive collaborator canvas that makes use of sociographs to successfully map & align a team’s communication patterns.  It is a great follow on from any team-building activity, allowing teams to create a strategic communication plan. (ICE-4) Available for: Licenced Partners.

How to use & purchase Tirian’s collaborative boards/canvases


  • The Collaborative Canvases, gamified simulation boards, and other tools can be purchased independently. They are also used by accredited coaches, facilitators & licensing partners integrated into a full workshop &/or coaching session.
  • Independent purchase: The boards/canvases are the core elements section (mini version of a full workshop). A leader can purchase a board/canvas and use it with their team. They come with complete step-by-step instructions and videos. Some boards/canvases require some prior knowledge of the models /concepts (generally gained from participating in a workshop, course, book, or general knowledge of the topic).


  • The leader buys the canvas /board, by going to
  • Only the team leader needs to purchase the course online.   The team leader follows the course flow,  logistics info & instructions to coordinate with their team. Tirian will send a unique ULR to the actual boards/canvases.  The team leader then invites the rest of their team by way of the unique URL (browser-based) to join the digital boards/canvases. Some prior knowledge of how to use the tools, (Miroboard, Padlet etc) will be necessary for the leader/team. OR they can be printed and used physically.


  • Recommended time: 1-3 hours,
  • Recommended Numbers: 1-8
  • Cost US$300 p/board.
  • Pre and post-courses + accreditation courses & licensing (full workshop) are also available.