Innovative Change Leadership

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This ‘Innovative Change Leadership’ program consists of the following modules:


The Future of
the Innovation Race:

Who will win, lose and be eliminated?


Are you an innovative
change leader?

Interactive diagnostic session with gamified simulation experience.


Navigating the Innovation Highway

Introducing the iCLi / Plotting our team / Working with others

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KEYWORDS: Disruptive Innovation, Explore/Preserve, Ambidextrous Leadership, The Future of Innovation

1:  The Future of the Innovation Race: Who will win, lose and be eliminated?

An Introduction to The Paradox Theory of Innovation & Leading Future Business Transformation with an AI-empowered Workforce

Companies like Google may appear to be leading in innovation, but do they have all the solutions – and can their approach simply be copied? Our original research has revealed that most companies today only have half the story right, and that a new model is needed to overcome the challenges so many new and established are currently facing. This presentation identifies core sustainable innovation strategies for surviving and thriving in ‘the innovation race’. It reveals that by simply changing perspective and using a ‘paradox’ lens, new innovations can be better generated and supported through to implementation. In the session we explore how different cultures and companies (and even countries) around the world have effectively managed the key innovation paradox through a fast-paced global adventure.

Organization growth typically follows a relatively linear path with gradual, incremental developments. Yet the pace of technological growth through AI is forcing us to adapt to seismic exponential shifts, resulting in tension in teams and creating a challenging paradox for leaders.– those capable of constantly bridging the gap between incremental improvements and breakthrough innovations. To plot a traversable course between these diverse and often contradictory demands may mean that only the highly agile and ambidextrous leaders will survive.


2: Are you an Innovative Change Leader? Becoming an Ambidextrous Future-Ready Leader

How can leaders deal with the complexities and challenges of constant change? Discover how to lead and manage for innovation through successfully navigating the 4 key innovation paradoxes. Practical strategies and the ‘polar positioning’ tools are introduced to show how to navigate these paradoxical tensions successfully.

This session introduces a fascinating validated assessment and  interactive exercises to help explore your unique Innovation Change Leadership profile (iCLi). In this session you learn how to manage the dynamic tension between the need for exploration and preservation, to demonstrate how to lead teams so they are propelled forward rather than ripped apart. You are shown how to become an ambidextrous innovation leader. The introduction of the iCLi graphs (assessment tool)  will help leaders see there is value on any position in the poles and indeed discover its only the combination of the diversity that allows sustainable growth.  Rather than default their own personality bias, leaders can learn to become more empathetic and respectful on projects and with clients.

Drawing from our research with thousands of survey responses, multiple interviews with heads of innovation and a deep dive immersion into one organization over two years – along with fascinating case studies from our consulting work with organizations over 30 years – the session reveals how successful leaders can fuel sustainable development. (Academic Version with White Paper also available).


3. Navigating the Innovation Highway

To be successful future-ready leaders we need to embrace the ambiguities of both polar elements simultaneously (Explore & Preserve)  – in ourselves, in our teams, and in our organisation. By understanding the tension of the ‘Paradoxical Innovation Orientations’, and ambidextrous approaches to leadership, these models and tools can help leaders learn to communicate more effectively & set an effective strategy / road map. Some teams pull in different directions –  and some channel the dynamic tension to work in alignment and fuel innovation and growth. Future survival will depend on embracing both approaches concurrently.

CASE STUDIES: CEOs V COOs, Sales V Finance, Theranos V Wallgreens, Jobs V Cook, Google V Alphabet, Mercedes-Benz V Tesla, Venture-backed Startups V Established companies, and Traditional Companies V Tech.


  • Understand how to use the Dynamic Polar Positioning model & the iCLi: personally, in meetings, Decision making, for a team,  leading an organisation, industry and country
  • Identify, acknowledge and accept the polar positions to manage innovation
  • Map individual preferences and organisational systems and structures
  • Find integrative elements that link the polar positions
  • Embed the integrative elements into the organisation vision and core story

REC TIME: 0.5-1 day


REC SIZE: 5-30


PLATFORMS: Keynote,  Workshop, Virtual, Online, Bus Facilitation.


The Innovation Action Board

For accredited coaches and licensed partners. This Collaborator Canvas will help teams dive deep into managing the tension that change and innovation brings, and come up with an action plan.
