Team Creativity:
Creative Collaboration


This Team Creativity program consists of the following modules:


The importance of collaboration and teamwork.

Why we need creative teams


Team Tools:

DISC (behavior), iCLi (innovation), MBTI (temperament), HBDI (whole brain).


Implications & Applications:

Business facilitation with case study & coaching.


Deep Dive Lab:

With coaching and team facilitation, working through real team issues.


About Team Creativity

To be stand out from the pack when it comes to creative thinking and innovation, it’s critical to know how to harness the power of a team. The creative outcome of a business team depends on the nature of the group of individuals assembled and the way they are encouraged and managed. If teams attempt to communicate, plan, and problem solve without coordinated creative thinking, they could end up using a lot of time with limited results. This session shows how heterogeneous groups of people from different backgrounds and experiences can solve difficult problems more effectively by being able to look at them from different perspectives. It utilizes some basic profiling tools (DISC and HBDI), and as a result empowers teams in organizations to create more cohesive and productive groups through an understanding of the way the team thinks and acts. A main premise of the session is that every person on the team has a unique contribution to the creative thinking and innovation process. Once participants are convinced of the importance of the team and each individual’s contribution to it, the session goes on to take a relevant problem and workshop it through 4 key stages.



In these sessions participants will learn to understand the importance of utilizing diversity,  navigating ambiguity, collaboration and teamwork. Using profiling modes to understand creative roles in a team, participants will walk away with an efficient high performing team able to maximize individual strengths and collaborate effectively to come up with innovative new ideas and solutions. The session will ensure that leaders and their teams can identify individual strengths within a team, and when to use these strengths during different stages of creative, critical and design thinking stages. This will ensure a team is able to innovate together to maximize potential.

Team Tools & profiling models include: SID model, Design Thinking, DISC (team behavior) / iCLi (team innovation) / MBTI (team temperament) & HBDI (whole brain)

Recommended this CSI3 team creativity program sequentially follows on from, or is taken in conjunction with: CSI2 (the central SID / Design Thinking Model),  &/or Dynamic Interaction (DiSC), Future Ready Leadership (iCLi)


1. The importance of diversity, collaboration and teamwork.

2. Team Tools in action: Connecting profiling to the SID (& design thinking) models

3. Implications & Applications: Business facilitation with case study & coaching.

4. Deep Dive Lab: With coaching and team facilitation, working through real team issues.

  • Business implications and applications deep dive lab, with coaching and team facilitation working through real issues.

REC TIME: 0.5-1 day


REC SIZE: 5-30


PLATFORMS: Workshop, Facilitation, Coaching
