Innovate Diagnostic Tools & Assessments

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This program ‘INNOVATE Diagnostic Tools & Assessments’ consists of the following options:



iCLi Diagnostic Tool for Individual Feedback & Coaching



iCLi Diagnostic Tool for Teams Feedback & Coaching



iCi Diagnostic Tool & Organisation Profiling



Master Thinking Partner Program

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  1. INDIVIDUAL iCLi Diagnostic Tool & Assessment

Future-Ready Leadership: What is Your Innovator Profile?

This session is designed to prepare innovation leaders and top management teams for sustainable innovation and manage change. It reveals how to identify and develop your individual, your team’s and your organization’s innovation strengths for maximizing innovation at all levels. Includes a fascinating validated assessment and interactive exercises to help people explore their unique perspectives and potential.

The ‘FUTURE-READY LEADERSHIP’ Feedback and Coaching sessions are designed to assist individuals and teams with understanding how to interpret and apply the results of their profile assessment for more effective self, team and organization leadership. Our coaches work with you to identify your needs, tailor development programs, and measure progress. This assessment will help leaders understand their leadership innovation profile measure.


The iCLi (Innovative Change Leader Inventory) Diagnostic session is recommended to:

  • Map current positions, roles and points of tension
  • Reveal how individuals and leaders can deal with the complexities and challenges of constant change
  • Demonstrate how successful individuals and leaders can effectively utilise the tensions between ‘fixed’ and ‘future’ mindsets to fuel sustainable development and growth.

2. TEAM iCLi PROFILING & Feedback Sessions

This session explores how to manage innovation orientations in teams. It identifies the skills required for innovation leadership, and covers how teams can optimize innovation potential. By identifying both self-perceptions and team perceptions, the program enables greater insight into individual strengths and challenges and more targeted opportunities for development. Participants learn how to build on strengths and address potential challenge areas, and the iCLi profile provides an invaluable tool for explaining the path to ongoing success.

Also available is the iCLi 360 version: By identifying both individual self-perceptions and team perceptions of individual perspectives, the 360 report enables greater insight into individual strengths and challenges and enables more targeted opportunities for development. By demonstrating how it is possible to build on strengths and address potential challenge areas, the iCLi360 tool provides an invaluable tool for ongoing success.

The Feedback and Coaching sessions for teams are designed to assist teams with understanding how to interpret and apply the results of profile assessments for more effective self, team and organization leadership. Our coaches work with individuals and teams to identify needs, tailor development programs, and measure progress.


These sessions are dynamic interactive conversations that enable individuals and teams to identify and understand:

  • ‘Ambidexterity’ strength and challenge areas
  • Areas for development to build on strengths and complement or extend capabilities in challenge areas
  • How to interact better with others to maximize team and organization results
  • Goal setting strategies that include measurable actions
  • Throughout the session notes are taken on relevant individual interpretations and applications which will assist with building the full personalized feedback report

Outcomes & takeaways:

  • An identification of the traits of an innovative mindset and the changes needed to develop a more innovative team work environment.
  • Practical action plans for targeting ambidextrous leadership development as a team

3. ORGANISATION iCi Diagnostic Tool & Assessment

This sessions how to identify ‘creativogenic cultures’ in organisations for long term sustainable innovation .

Organization members can take the iCi (Innovation Climate Index) to identify team perceptions of the organization climate,  compare how individual scores relate to the overall organization results, and explore how the organization environment can be improved. This will help to check the organization’s preparedness for innovation.


4. Executive Coaching – Master Thinking Partner Program

Ignite innovation capabilities with our Innovation Leadership Master Thinking Partner Program. Custom-designed journeys for executive and senior leaders looking to upskill, this unique program includes personalized one-on-one mentoring, coaching and workshops. The program helps individuals identify how to become a future-ready leader by balancing the competing demands, complexities and challenges of constant rapid change. It explores how being an innovation leader is not necessarily about being an ‘Innovator’, but is instead more about recognising and mobilising diverse perspectives and capabilities to enable innovation ambidexterity at all levels.

The MTPP can include as requested:

  • Coaching –  active listening & feedback
  • Mentoring – expertise & support
  • One-on-one workshops – providing thought-provoking content for reflection

Rec Sessions

  • 1 intro and 3 X 90 mins personalised Zoom/Teams sessions.
  • 30 & 60 day check-ins.

Tools & Resources

  • 20-page action/reflection notebooks.
  • Collaborator Canvases to use with the team:
    1 X Strategic Planning & 1 X Team Coaching
  • Pre & Post Blended Learning Journey: Self-paced online courses
    (reflection, action planning & goal setting)
  • 1 X iCLi Profiling Assessment + Feedback
  • A runway option to becoming an accredited coach

REC TIME: varies per module


REC SIZE: small- varies per module


PLATFORMS: Workshop, Coaching, Bus Facilitation, Self-led, Research, Reporting



  • ABOUT: This coaching canvas is for a coach and team to see the value of & explore the concepts around Ambidextrous Future-ready Leadership. It focuses on resolving the tension surrounding teams who need to innovate. A great way to debrief the Innovation Climate Leadership Inventory (iCLi) profiling tool, & utilizing the strengths of a diverse team.
  • PURCHASE OPTIONS: A professionally accredited facilitator will allow you to dive deep into all the content and implications, OR purchase the board only and self-lead this with basic instructions on the board.  Note this also requires the purchase of individual iCLi profiling assessments.