Scripting Our Story

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Program 2: SCRIPTING OUR STORY (+ Take 2) consists of the following modules


Creating a memorable narrative


Making movies


Implications & Actions


Presentations & Awards

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Scripting Our Story includes our highly interactive “Take 2” program. This is an energetic team-building program that provides the opportunity for participants to create their own movie representation of the company culture – often with hilarious results. The program reinforces the concept that in order to come up with unique ideas and effective outcomes, a group needs to learn to work together as a production crew. The most effective teams will be able to coordinate their results to come up with great creative results.

In the ‘Take 2’ section of the program, teams are equipped with props, video camera, script concepts, and roles – and they are then given the challenge to create a story and shoot a short film/advertisement that incorporates all the elements of what the organization represents within the context of the current environment. Each member will be given a role to play and has to appear on-screen as part of the project.

This activity peaks at the special corporate edition of the Academy Awards (over dinner), where talent and teamwork qualities are recognized and celebrated.

More than just a straight moving making team-building event, this session is designed in such a way that participants will learn to own the vision, mission & values, and understand their brand better. The memories will last forever, and Take2 will become a powerful way to develop a solid organizational narrative throughout the whole organization.

The Take 2 Program is recommended to:

  • Understand the significance of ‘story’ and the ways it can be shaped
  • Translate common experiences and issues into a new story
  • Utilize story as a means of changing organizational culture
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REC TIME: 1 day & evening


REC SIZE:  10-100


PLATFORMS: Workshop | Team-Building | Awards Dinner Event
