
Who Killed Creativity?…And How Can We Get It Back? Book’s Chapters

who killed creativity book

– About the authors
– Acknowledgements
– Introduction: Murder and mayhem in paradise

    • 1: Investigating the crime scene
      Creative thinking CSI: Is there really a problem?
      Is creative thinking that important?
      Is creative death imminent? the vital statistics
      Are you creative?
    • 2: Who killed creativity, and with what weapon?
      Profile of a murderer: Jack the Ripper and the ‘7 Deadly Creativity Killers’
      Stage 1: OPPRESSION — the use of control and fear to limit open thinking
      Stage 2: RESTRICTION — the use of pressure and insulation to restrict ideas
      Stage 3: DEGENERATION — inhibition of growth driven by apathy
      Stage 4: DESTRUCTION — destructive narrow-mindedness and pessimism
    • 3: Where has creativity died?
      Probing the possible murder sites
      Locating the crime hotspots — from the CEO’s office to the coffee shop
      Any time, any place
    • 4: Why save creativity?
      Emergency response
      Innovation is a necessity, not a luxury
      Innovate, don’t amputate
    • 5: The forensic lab
      Off-piste innovation and training the brain
      Exercising the brain: stretch, but don’t snap
      To what extent can creative thinking be taught?
      The brain workout
      Slowing down for the synaptic fire-up
      Triggering the brain’s ‘on/off’ switch
      New paths to superior thinking
    • 6: How can creativity be saved?
      Profile of a paramedic: Abseiling the  abyss and the ‘7 Creative Thinking Strategies’ that work
      Stage 1: LIBERATION — the freedom and courage to step out and think freely
      Stage 2: INITIATION — the independence and openness to let go and grow
      Stage 3: MOTIVATION — the passion to drive transformation
      Stage 4: TRANSFORMATION — the flexibility and positivity to make real changes
    • 7: Where can creativity be revived?
      Casing out the potential rescue locations
      Building innovation hothouses — revisiting the CEO’s office and the coffee shop
      Bringing the bedroom to the boardroom
    • 8: And they lived happily ever after…or did they?
      Putting creativity on trial  the final twist in the plot
      Can the killers be redeemed…and are the rescuers squeaky clean?
      The yin and yang of creativity
      Playing with fire and disruptive innovations
      Innovate or die —the commercial and social consequences of regeneration
      Change is inevitable, so scale the slopes constructively
      Why the Mexico rubbish dump dwellers might just save the planet
    • 9: The rescue plan in action
      Solving the mystery
      Disarming the killers
      Coming the full circle: the complete life cycle of creative thinking
      Implementing the ‘7 Creative Thinking Strategies’

– Endnotes
– Bibliography
– More ways to get creative
– Index